StatMando Monday

From Monday 2016-10-24 to Sunday 2016-10-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2016-10-24
(click to change weeks)
(2,429 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:51 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 44 490 1,122 $26,339 62,952 949
FPO 13 42 100 $2,445 6,591 853
MA1 47 520 1,103 $0 69,537 913
FA1 23 51 119 $0 8,685 793
MA2 39 468 1,003 $0 64,526 876
FA2 13 43 100 $0 7,609 742
MA3 32 247 533 $0 36,260 842
FA3 11 27 64 $0 5,149 664

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 110 215 $2,010 13,395 3
California 4 218 434 $2,365 29,743 21
Colorado 2 126 247 $2,315 14,960 7
Connecticut 2 87 172 $2,796 10,536 10
Delaware 1 40 80 $360 5,128 1
Florida 2 101 202 $520 13,101 3
Georgia 1 26 52 $0 3,547 0
Illinois 2 112 224 $1,460 14,660 3
Kentucky 1 59 191 $0 9,517 4
Maryland 1 57 112 $450 7,565 2
Michigan 3 101 198 $1,490 12,251 8
Missouri 1 42 115 $630 7,620 7
Nebraska 1 55 110 $170 6,574 0
Nevada 1 176 520 $9,075 38,448 21
New Jersey 2 80 158 $856 10,036 8
New York 1 31 62 $0 4,039 2
North Carolina 2 117 230 $1,300 13,959 8
North Dakota 1 44 88 $674 5,529 1
Ohio 3 27 43 $0 3,055 0
Oklahoma 2 126 305 $6,015 20,753 29
Pennsylvania 1 34 68 $365 4,175 4
South Carolina 2 64 162 $630 7,397 1
Texas 7 227 541 $3,451 34,864 9
Virginia 1 44 87 $920 5,308 6
Washington 3 157 369 $4,743 24,435 6
West Virginia 1 42 80 $450 4,744 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 39 116 $131 6,929 0
Belgium 1 32 64 $0 4,331 2
Finland 3 92 182 $408 13,437 0
Italy 1 11 33 $0 1,836 5
Slovenia 1 18 47 $0 2,437 0
United Kingdom 1 24 68 $0 3,614 0
United States 50 2,303 5,065 $43,045 325,339 166