StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-10-18 to Sunday 2021-10-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-10-18
(click to change weeks)
(8,241 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:13 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 93 1,302 2,918 $123,428 174,799 951
FPO 32 103 270 $11,003 18,336 857
MP40 53 452 1,015 $47,331 60,624 934
MP50 38 241 532 $18,568 32,945 917
FP40 4 10 21 $367 1,501 816
FP50 3 8 19 $510 1,539 784
MP55 3 9 22 $810 1,113 914
FP55 1 1 2 $95 145 853
MP60 14 57 142 $4,361 8,368 880
MP65 2 4 7 $295 492 861
FP65 2 3 5 $204 390 790
MP70 5 8 17 $475 1,178 822
MA1 93 1,270 2,693 $0 164,750 919
FA1 38 117 275 $0 19,709 801
MA2 89 1,533 3,174 $0 196,720 883
FA2 37 98 222 $0 16,754 744
MA3 83 1,447 2,945 $0 191,241 843
FA3 34 91 194 $0 15,641 687

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 295 900 $7,855 45,277 32
Alaska 1 33 66 $330 4,472 2
Arizona 1 140 279 $3,465 17,378 12
Arkansas 1 92 181 $2,162 11,158 6
California 5 478 941 $9,099 63,569 30
Colorado 2 262 461 $18,600 32,690 24
Delaware 2 148 296 $2,061 17,390 7
Florida 2 440 957 $6,798 60,561 37
Georgia 4 249 482 $5,603 36,655 26
Illinois 2 153 221 $1,224 13,129 3
Indiana 4 181 455 $4,391 27,254 15
Iowa 3 130 227 $1,275 13,894 7
Kansas 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Kentucky 1 155 442 $6,550 26,268 26
Louisiana 1 88 173 $1,620 11,198 5
Maine 1 30 89 $970 5,452 2
Maryland 1 117 231 $2,340 15,379 1
Michigan 5 387 769 $3,964 45,868 16
Minnesota 1 34 68 $504 4,502 1
Mississippi 1 49 140 $1,400 7,552 6
Missouri 2 129 256 $12,427 16,904 14
Nebraska 1 29 29 $0 2,901 1
Nevada 1 204 565 $6,980 39,982 24
New Hampshire 3 135 259 $2,145 17,677 0
New Jersey 2 90 154 $96 10,034 0
New Mexico 1 21 60 $380 3,669 3
New York 2 135 269 $1,350 17,343 3
North Carolina 8 620 1,536 $27,381 92,277 74
Ohio 4 347 579 $2,185 37,554 3
Oklahoma 2 317 894 $28,004 54,498 62
Ontario 1 147 293 $1,976 21,591 6
Oregon 3 317 621 $11,741 41,232 19
Pennsylvania 2 121 181 $2,768 11,614 14
Quebec 3 137 329 $7,012 22,371 11
South Carolina 3 136 342 $1,517 20,409 7
South Dakota 1 69 137 $1,005 8,287 3
Tennessee 3 193 381 $1,871 22,235 8
Texas 8 497 809 $2,981 54,620 11
Utah 1 134 395 $8,292 24,747 16
Virginia 3 174 442 $3,754 28,607 22
Washington 1 99 198 $500 14,579 7
Wisconsin 4 336 486 $1,122 30,317 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 58 115 $25 7,674 1
Canada 4 284 622 $8,988 43,962 17
Czech Republic 1 24 48 $0 3,281 0
Denmark 1 87 172 $0 10,497 1
Finland 2 77 120 $0 6,925 0
France 1 17 51 $60 3,499 1
Germany 3 185 503 $739 30,368 20
Japan 2 49 161 $0 10,794 17
Netherlands 1 29 53 $0 4,305 0
Sweden 2 103 202 $1,020 13,865 2
Switzerland 1 88 175 $0 10,736 7
United States 96 7,564 15,971 $196,710 1,009,132 554