StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-07-13 to Sunday 2020-07-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-07-13
(click to change weeks)
(7,105 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:05 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 87 1,534 3,292 $91,925 199,605 943
FPO 43 193 427 $10,435 29,853 836
MP40 45 383 828 $22,907 51,548 922
MP50 28 167 369 $9,741 23,612 911
FP40 2 3 4 $180 301 762
FP50 1 1 2 $205 153 793
MP55 3 9 15 $418 1,215 896
MP60 9 37 77 $1,507 5,634 844
MA1 79 1,233 2,318 $0 148,450 916
FA1 44 147 291 $0 21,018 794
MA2 79 1,510 2,800 $0 183,551 881
FA2 27 84 162 $0 12,482 757
MA3 69 1,185 2,263 $0 150,667 845
FA3 26 62 114 $0 8,781 692

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 174 444 $4,493 26,370 11
Alaska 2 194 299 $5,188 18,595 6
Alberta 1 75 223 $2,445 14,437 2
Arizona 1 90 180 $2,845 11,514 15
Arkansas 1 85 168 $1,732 10,125 8
California 1 202 398 $7,930 26,959 25
Colorado 1 80 160 $0 9,022 1
Florida 1 99 194 $885 15,254 3
Georgia 2 217 429 $3,219 35,623 17
Idaho 4 209 482 $5,555 28,920 9
Illinois 3 322 463 $7,626 29,526 29
Indiana 4 305 683 $11,908 40,900 58
Iowa 2 162 322 $568 18,478 7
Kansas 2 78 154 $405 10,132 7
Louisiana 1 8 8 $40 520 0
Michigan 4 291 553 $5,135 36,715 21
Minnesota 3 512 727 $9,220 51,278 26
Missouri 4 232 436 $3,698 28,131 14
Montana 2 36 71 $810 4,621 1
Nevada 1 98 187 $3,005 12,659 6
New Hampshire 2 52 52 $246 3,114 2
New Jersey 1 78 156 $1,029 10,149 5
New York 2 145 289 $912 19,616 7
North Carolina 4 256 507 $2,303 29,908 11
Oklahoma 1 59 117 $1,270 6,544 4
Oregon 2 176 343 $6,573 24,624 28
Pennsylvania 4 314 495 $3,192 32,494 14
Prince Edward Island 1 51 153 $417 10,330 0
South Carolina 1 92 182 $435 11,267 3
South Dakota 1 93 275 $3,644 16,947 11
Tennessee 2 253 501 $4,755 31,301 18
Texas 4 390 817 $11,136 53,985 27
Virginia 3 269 526 $12,061 36,531 33
Washington 2 108 215 $1,880 14,016 4
West Virginia 1 29 29 $96 1,780 0
Wisconsin 2 201 293 $1,125 19,202 6

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 29 58 $192 4,078 0
Austria 1 52 187 $0 11,088 5
Canada 2 126 376 $2,862 24,767 2
Croatia 1 22 66 $0 4,854 2
Czech Republic 1 74 220 $352 13,801 12
Denmark 2 104 206 $964 13,641 4
Estonia 4 288 570 $1,525 38,853 10
Finland 5 446 978 $4,572 60,440 25
Germany 2 112 281 $0 18,524 14
Latvia 1 53 106 $0 6,939 0
Lithuania 1 59 118 $549 8,006 0
Sweden 9 336 666 $1,383 41,145 7
Ukraine 1 26 77 $0 4,980 0
United Kingdom 1 16 32 $0 2,356 0
United States 73 5,909 11,155 $124,919 726,820 437