StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-01-31 to Sunday 2022-02-06, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-01-31
(click to change weeks)
(4,119 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:14 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 45 657 1,204 $34,347 72,978 939
FPO 22 65 122 $3,510 8,326 853
MP40 28 186 326 $10,010 21,025 929
MP50 14 76 142 $6,078 9,465 907
FP40 6 8 16 $489 1,125 847
MP55 1 1 1 $0 52 972
MP60 12 46 85 $3,899 5,850 892
FP60 2 4 7 $415 634 783
MP70 1 2 4 $66 268 841
MA1 46 680 1,301 $0 80,840 918
FA1 22 55 105 $0 7,640 806
MA2 44 799 1,475 $0 96,027 882
FA2 21 59 103 $0 8,040 751
MA3 43 772 1,284 $0 85,117 840
FA3 23 63 110 $0 8,544 678

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arizona 2 264 523 $6,034 37,268 9
British Columbia 1 68 136 $708 9,110 1
California 6 562 1,195 $23,407 78,180 57
Florida 5 544 883 $8,023 55,089 27
Georgia 1 180 531 $0 36,920 3
Idaho 1 93 181 $2,796 12,066 5
Indiana 2 85 167 $487 9,971 4
Kentucky 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Michigan 4 219 426 $276 29,118 4
Minnesota 1 133 132 $1,066 13,750 0
Mississippi 1 90 179 $1,470 12,553 11
Missouri 1 71 139 $0 8,212 5
Montana 1 14 28 $114 1,829 0
New Jersey 1 68 132 $217 8,202 1
New York 2 117 181 $1,012 11,834 3
North Carolina 3 260 506 $688 30,046 10
Ohio 1 70 70 $276 3,758 2
Oklahoma 1 41 40 $50 3,282 0
Oregon 2 146 292 $3,196 18,110 26
Pennsylvania 1 152 152 $763 8,396 3
South Carolina 2 146 289 $1,430 18,530 10
Tennessee 1 91 181 $565 9,484 7
Texas 6 472 620 $4,099 39,912 14
Washington 3 219 432 $665 25,954 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 1 68 136 $708 9,110 1
France 3 56 112 $0 7,998 0
Serbia 1 27 53 $0 2,620 0
Thailand 2 66 185 $1,420 12,503 1
United Kingdom 2 71 139 $52 8,202 0
United States 49 4,037 7,279 $56,634 472,464 208