StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-10-07 to Sunday 2019-10-13, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-10-07
(click to change weeks)
(4,893 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:03 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 80 1,149 2,626 $86,619 156,701 949
FPO 34 133 341 $13,143 23,098 851
MP40 45 338 696 $16,887 43,621 925
MP50 25 110 243 $4,420 14,417 903
FP40 5 9 14 $290 1,022 850
FP50 1 1 1 $0 70 820
MP55 3 17 40 $2,795 2,839 906
FP55 1 1 3 $220 201 860
MP60 8 29 74 $1,123 4,982 846
MP65 1 2 6 $440 393 918
FP65 1 1 3 $220 237 739
MP70 1 4 12 $880 790 868
FP70 1 1 3 $220 234 749
MA1 66 726 1,605 $0 101,735 919
FA1 32 73 163 $0 11,809 791
MA2 69 810 1,625 $0 106,958 888
FA2 20 55 112 $0 8,500 762
MA3 69 733 1,445 $0 96,839 847
FA3 22 48 90 $0 7,506 691

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 52 103 $0 5,737 1
Alaska 1 62 124 $1,386 7,065 4
Arizona 1 73 243 $0 13,863 1
California 6 418 807 $7,397 52,820 47
Colorado 1 80 239 $5,222 14,996 22
Connecticut 1 40 80 $986 5,611 1
Florida 1 78 232 $275 13,825 5
Georgia 4 361 1,001 $47,260 67,828 150
Illinois 3 175 348 $1,690 22,003 11
Indiana 3 157 305 $1,641 20,669 11
Iowa 2 46 91 $532 5,472 3
Kansas 2 252 498 $4,540 30,533 23
Louisiana 2 62 123 $1,050 7,934 4
Michigan 3 149 298 $984 18,942 7
Minnesota 1 101 199 $3,695 14,646 18
Mississippi 1 24 48 $1,180 2,999 2
Missouri 3 186 370 $2,439 22,966 10
Nebraska 1 38 38 $175 3,488 0
New York 1 61 244 $10,470 15,164 46
North Carolina 2 78 155 $285 8,619 0
Ohio 4 170 389 $885 24,186 15
Oklahoma 1 60 120 $1,862 6,856 5
Oregon 2 131 323 $4,108 20,907 30
Pennsylvania 3 126 248 $81 17,782 3
Tennessee 2 137 273 $2,505 17,822 20
Texas 9 385 729 $8,210 47,134 27
Utah 3 110 295 $6,467 19,408 26
Vermont 1 53 106 $805 6,503 4
Virginia 2 81 161 $210 10,088 1
Washington 1 46 87 $2,675 9,260 4
West Virginia 1 22 44 $1,073 2,809 0
Wisconsin 3 195 379 $4,845 27,288 11

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 16 30 $0 1,893 0
Estonia 1 49 93 $0 5,572 0
Finland 10 576 854 $1,667 59,369 11
France 1 82 282 $240 18,572 5
Germany 4 151 348 $0 17,228 13
Latvia 1 15 30 $0 2,180 0
Netherlands 1 32 64 $0 3,994 0
Norway 2 74 111 $417 7,382 2
Serbia 1 20 39 $0 3,024 0
Slovakia 1 31 101 $0 5,576 3
Slovenia 1 29 87 $0 3,891 1
Spain 1 28 93 $0 5,937 1
Switzerland 1 56 189 $0 11,024 11
United Kingdom 1 34 68 $0 4,247 2
United States 72 4,009 8,700 $124,933 565,223 512