StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-06-10 to Sunday 2024-06-16, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-06-10
(click to change weeks)
(14,473 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-06-23 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 170 2,278 4,923 $165,184 249,573 947
FPO 60 238 557 $28,210 36,593 846
MP40 90 833 2,147 $81,033 123,516 933
MP50 49 340 914 $35,081 56,531 920
FP40 13 61 177 $6,359 11,123 836
FP50 7 27 69 $2,513 4,540 817
MP55 2 31 135 $9,685 9,182 946
FP55 1 8 40 $2,575 2,281 837
MP60 26 155 487 $21,881 27,955 907
FP60 3 9 31 $1,804 2,071 796
MP65 2 23 98 $6,571 5,258 922
FP65 1 6 26 $1,935 1,626 810
MP70 4 25 92 $5,565 4,964 892
MA1 174 2,413 5,591 $0 256,972 913
FA1 65 200 411 $0 26,386 808
MA2 164 2,116 4,260 $0 238,208 887
FA2 50 154 314 $0 20,855 774
MA3 177 2,565 5,355 $0 293,819 853
FA3 42 106 226 $0 15,935 717

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 204 278 $976 15,858 5
Alaska 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Alberta 3 156 379 $804 18,995 0
Arizona 5 151 348 $1,005 9,567 2
Arkansas 1 89 257 $3,964 14,230 16
British Columbia 1 274 810 $13,909 51,490 13
California 3 152 305 $1,574 18,144 8
Colorado 5 312 547 $2,795 34,270 11
Connecticut 1 57 113 $0 7,133 0
Delaware 1 115 340 $18,565 24,712 44
Florida 6 203 275 $324 16,028 3
Georgia 1 88 174 $0 10,942 0
Hawaii 1 60 122 $3,180 10,045 3
Idaho 2 398 1,162 $31,628 79,864 59
Illinois 9 503 1,295 $5,973 55,959 30
Indiana 3 144 287 $4,739 20,735 13
Iowa 2 127 318 $1,060 9,191 8
Kansas 6 991 4,216 $108,460 241,110 206
Kentucky 4 139 182 $1,180 10,734 5
Louisiana 1 23 107 $0 0 4
Maine 1 91 180 $0 10,142 6
Maryland 1 37 113 $0 0 1
Massachusetts 5 273 456 $3,223 27,458 12
Michigan 9 585 1,382 $2,591 79,078 11
Minnesota 3 187 346 $2,543 21,701 7
Mississippi 2 169 332 $1,835 19,712 15
Missouri 6 221 359 $867 13,337 3
New Brunswick 1 35 70 $357 4,178 0
New Hampshire 2 108 217 $2,745 16,078 2
New Jersey 1 71 144 $735 9,199 0
New Mexico 1 0 0 $0 0 0
New York 6 439 768 $4,294 47,926 3
North Carolina 14 805 1,508 $704 79,460 27
North Dakota 1 29 55 $1,680 4,617 2
Ohio 8 666 1,348 $6,713 68,889 26
Oklahoma 6 240 643 $5,256 27,766 13
Ontario 7 329 726 $1,810 30,397 10
Oregon 6 350 804 $556 29,925 13
Pennsylvania 6 409 1,106 $1,748 49,315 5
Quebec 2 145 289 $1,569 19,015 2
South Carolina 5 195 353 $119 14,481 3
Tennessee 6 293 380 $1,217 22,556 8
Texas 10 499 1,058 $11,536 60,835 35
Utah 2 375 982 $24,549 62,842 59
Virginia 6 186 478 $815 14,297 9
Washington 3 271 477 $6,655 31,208 5
West Virginia 3 134 166 $0 10,135 0
Wisconsin 6 403 744 $4,739 44,984 22

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Aland Islands 1 25 47 $0 3,638 1
Australia 2 34 71 $17 4,185 0
Austria 1 37 75 $0 4,639 3
Belgium 1 57 114 $0 6,999 0
Belize 2 33 95 $0 2,549 1
Canada 14 939 2,274 $18,449 124,075 25
Colombia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Czech Republic 2 78 187 $0 10,669 3
Denmark 5 290 627 $0 41,168 5
Estonia 9 458 825 $107 50,923 13
Finland 17 1,269 2,763 $64,001 156,998 232
France 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Germany 2 36 108 $0 4,583 3
Iceland 2 61 61 $0 4,150 0
Japan 1 46 196 $0 9,216 11
Lithuania 2 78 152 $0 10,462 0
Norway 6 583 1,413 $7,213 68,681 16
Serbia 1 23 66 $0 0 0
Slovenia 1 48 144 $0 5,357 2
Sweden 8 615 1,342 $9,201 85,680 19
United States 174 10,792 24,725 $270,543 1,344,463 704