StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-07-09 to Sunday 2018-07-15, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-07-09
(click to change weeks)
(5,349 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:57 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 73 1,138 2,860 $112,176 173,761 957
FPO 30 86 223 $10,641 16,162 869
MP40 37 275 700 $17,423 45,075 929
MP50 21 110 276 $7,934 17,280 921
FP40 4 13 35 $1,346 3,012 796
FP50 1 1 2 $40 133 757
MP55 3 8 23 $1,095 2,043 920
FP55 1 1 1 $30 78 837
MP60 5 16 43 $1,027 3,169 877
MP65 1 1 2 $42 109 861
MP70 1 1 2 $80 128 826
MA1 71 850 1,919 $0 116,434 913
FA1 32 95 208 $0 14,693 797
MA2 71 980 2,165 $0 135,603 880
FA2 28 77 171 $0 12,449 748
MA3 61 752 1,740 $0 115,921 852
FA3 26 82 192 $0 15,315 703

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
British Columbia 1 14 28 $184 1,684 0
California 3 201 399 $2,690 27,464 18
Colorado 2 340 767 $14,880 50,389 30
Florida 2 160 499 $4,269 28,922 23
Georgia 1 93 273 $2,761 19,050 16
Illinois 2 72 142 $1,730 9,184 2
Indiana 2 122 240 $1,205 13,696 3
Iowa 3 81 159 $430 8,733 3
Kansas 2 276 1,233 $273 75,471 11
Kentucky 3 161 234 $370 15,298 1
Louisiana 1 56 157 $935 9,915 5
Maine 1 93 185 $2,646 10,687 6
Maryland 2 94 188 $924 11,177 3
Massachusetts 2 87 173 $3,992 9,971 4
Michigan 9 436 926 $5,718 57,069 25
Minnesota 1 59 117 $895 6,433 11
Missouri 2 117 282 $4,743 17,641 37
Montana 1 50 100 $1,045 5,620 1
Nebraska 1 16 32 $80 2,115 0
New Jersey 2 67 134 $365 8,315 2
New Mexico 1 55 162 $1,768 9,225 4
New York 1 35 141 $1,570 7,554 5
North Carolina 3 236 541 $1,174 33,097 16
North Dakota 1 27 72 $1,200 5,963 5
Nova Scotia 1 27 79 $170 4,454 0
Ohio 3 137 345 $11,540 25,045 60
Oklahoma 1 53 106 $670 6,408 3
Ontario 1 74 255 $1,517 14,838 3
Oregon 2 147 291 $4,209 19,277 14
Pennsylvania 3 137 339 $2,390 22,096 6
South Dakota 1 72 215 $2,995 12,596 6
Tennessee 1 19 37 $0 2,313 0
Texas 6 269 557 $6,674 35,772 20
Virginia 3 80 155 $100 10,159 1
Washington 4 145 283 $1,357 16,858 5
Wisconsin 2 156 379 $14,572 25,267 40
Wyoming 1 22 44 $625 2,515 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 27 54 $112 3,693 0
Canada 3 115 362 $1,871 20,976 3
Czech Republic 2 266 812 $41,774 52,539 147
Estonia 1 190 550 $0 38,748 0
Finland 5 500 1,334 $6,380 90,227 11
Latvia 1 20 38 $0 2,606 0
Lithuania 1 26 52 $0 3,334 0
Sweden 4 189 369 $962 23,358 7
Thailand 1 10 20 $0 1,259 1
United States 76 4,226 10,017 $100,795 628,291 387