StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-11-02 to Sunday 2020-11-08, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-11-02
(click to change weeks)
(4,789 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:07 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 51 717 1,505 $59,139 88,944 956
FPO 24 84 177 $7,002 11,444 864
MP40 28 217 459 $18,129 29,084 935
MP50 13 98 219 $8,891 14,792 927
FP40 2 5 12 $635 885 853
FP50 2 2 5 $198 387 756
MP55 2 4 10 $680 795 887
MP60 7 33 76 $1,935 4,723 880
MP70 1 1 2 $28 180 745
MA1 58 791 1,558 $0 95,968 918
FA1 26 81 153 $0 10,885 801
MA2 54 945 1,851 $0 115,701 878
FA2 27 72 141 $0 9,915 762
MA3 51 895 1,637 $0 109,102 842
FA3 28 80 143 $0 11,797 694

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 68 136 $1,835 8,213 3
Alaska 1 29 57 $290 3,186 1
Arkansas 1 50 99 $1,501 6,622 2
British Columbia 2 37 74 $245 4,606 0
California 4 228 452 $6,912 29,880 16
Florida 2 212 490 $8,114 30,825 22
Georgia 5 338 618 $3,379 47,347 7
Indiana 3 359 710 $5,475 49,012 19
Kansas 1 66 132 $1,079 8,002 2
Kentucky 2 149 149 $140 9,163 1
Maine 1 153 296 $4,505 16,672 14
Maryland 2 147 208 $495 13,016 4
Massachusetts 2 122 118 $586 8,054 2
Michigan 3 210 406 $2,264 22,083 10
Minnesota 1 76 76 $0 6,348 0
Mississippi 1 72 139 $400 8,199 4
Missouri 4 163 303 $5,891 19,413 16
Nebraska 2 62 79 $350 6,399 1
New York 2 124 248 $1,625 17,059 4
North Carolina 4 313 624 $3,520 38,421 25
Nova Scotia 1 57 114 $1,140 6,978 0
Ohio 2 89 157 $432 11,006 2
Oklahoma 2 98 274 $1,885 20,476 6
Oregon 2 148 294 $1,856 16,509 22
Pennsylvania 1 71 142 $2,055 8,207 8
South Carolina 1 68 270 $1,109 13,854 11
Tennessee 2 224 599 $6,297 34,260 14
Texas 5 401 856 $26,752 59,270 75
Virginia 2 274 653 $4,238 40,706 15
Washington 1 67 128 $1,120 7,400 2
West Virginia 1 82 162 $232 10,327 1
Wisconsin 2 158 314 $915 18,972 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 3 94 188 $1,385 11,584 0
Croatia 1 18 48 $0 3,339 0
Denmark 1 79 79 $0 5,259 1
Finland 1 70 139 $0 8,715 0
Sweden 1 78 78 $0 4,970 2
United States 63 4,621 9,189 $95,252 588,901 314