StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-04-17 to Sunday 2023-04-23, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-04-17
(click to change weeks)
(14,615 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-04-30 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 165 2,357 4,731 $186,711 265,352 943
FPO 74 337 775 $55,240 51,855 860
MP40 72 634 1,378 $41,803 88,983 921
MP50 41 292 682 $19,195 44,453 909
FP40 11 46 99 $2,415 7,559 810
FP50 4 10 23 $765 1,752 830
MP55 2 14 36 $2,433 2,612 918
FP55 1 2 4 $0 255 794
MP60 19 90 219 $7,861 15,706 890
FP60 4 9 18 $215 1,131 792
MP65 2 13 35 $2,538 3,083 873
FP65 1 1 1 $16 64 810
MP70 3 3 6 $349 493 825
MA1 166 2,396 4,459 $0 260,949 915
FA1 72 219 431 $0 30,075 802
MA2 158 2,555 4,975 $0 293,978 884
FA2 67 206 375 $0 27,209 766
MA3 165 2,817 4,999 $0 306,559 845
FA3 62 171 302 $0 22,497 704

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 299 592 $9,282 39,850 18
Alberta 1 61 122 $642 7,631 2
Arizona 2 236 464 $7,854 28,985 13
Arkansas 3 40 40 $0 2,113 0
British Columbia 3 181 361 $197 20,785 6
California 8 669 1,517 $24,604 106,446 28
Colorado 6 434 583 $1,662 35,405 10
Connecticut 3 174 383 $851 12,255 1
Delaware 2 111 222 $1,630 14,256 4
Florida 2 367 658 $5,143 36,614 24
Georgia 8 572 1,359 $143,400 71,803 322
Idaho 1 93 186 $1,491 12,741 6
Illinois 5 353 409 $314 26,877 5
Indiana 8 446 743 $2,141 50,392 16
Iowa 5 364 722 $3,134 42,727 13
Kansas 3 333 507 $3,623 31,335 11
Kentucky 3 191 357 $1,021 13,440 1
Louisiana 2 37 23 $329 1,103 0
Massachusetts 3 355 662 $15,295 41,144 27
Michigan 8 637 1,304 $3,396 75,266 26
Minnesota 2 145 290 $1,257 16,313 2
Mississippi 3 140 279 $3,397 16,881 9
Missouri 3 218 353 $1,706 21,974 4
Nebraska 1 95 188 $2,020 13,585 1
Nevada 1 83 193 $0 0 1
New Hampshire 2 112 202 $130 12,436 1
New Jersey 1 72 143 $0 9,230 1
New Mexico 3 115 156 $657 10,171 1
New York 7 337 698 $4,989 43,538 6
North Carolina 13 765 1,357 $4,478 83,180 26
North Dakota 1 41 113 $0 8,473 4
Ohio 6 460 843 $3,898 53,117 16
Oklahoma 4 191 317 $2,486 19,564 3
Ontario 1 58 116 $3,248 7,950 10
Oregon 3 209 405 $6,918 26,446 15
Pennsylvania 11 698 1,188 $7,681 75,422 13
South Carolina 4 242 362 $335 16,115 2
South Dakota 2 192 403 $2,422 27,544 10
Tennessee 6 935 2,324 $16,392 128,182 46
Texas 19 837 1,408 $8,489 85,887 42
Utah 1 14 14 $0 1,118 0
Virginia 3 144 244 $2,691 10,961 10
Washington 4 399 791 $6,717 70,963 8
Wisconsin 2 302 469 $435 29,409 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 72 216 $0 14,649 4
Belgium 1 69 207 $305 14,221 1
Belize 1 40 80 $200 5,615 0
Canada 5 300 599 $4,087 36,366 18
Czech Republic 2 131 341 $0 21,849 7
Denmark 1 90 277 $2,359 15,369 13
Estonia 2 247 410 $4,459 28,261 11
Finland 7 535 1,177 $2,193 76,721 17
France 2 115 292 $2,705 21,058 4
Germany 1 58 230 $0 14,178 12
Iceland 1 43 43 $0 2,913 0
Italy 2 42 83 $0 5,349 0
Latvia 1 170 339 $0 21,876 3
Mexico 1 43 43 $0 2,815 0
Norway 6 329 642 $677 41,746 3
Poland 1 25 75 $0 4,898 0
Serbia 1 21 64 $0 0 0
Slovenia 1 46 138 $0 8,156 1
Spain 1 77 39 $0 0 1
Sweden 8 667 1,236 $519 78,143 5
United Kingdom 1 25 50 $0 3,046 2
United States 178 12,457 23,471 $302,268 1,423,261 747
Zambia 2 0 0 $0 0 0