StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-11-18 to Sunday 2024-11-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-11-18
(click to change weeks)
(5,425 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-12-01 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 94 975 2,024 $40,539 91,154 941
FPO 27 77 185 $5,227 12,037 836
MP40 42 210 432 $11,264 26,050 922
MP50 21 92 188 $5,120 11,263 911
FP40 4 6 12 $53 801 778
MP60 10 18 33 $1,125 1,663 891
MP70 2 4 6 $164 412 877
MA1 92 1,055 2,120 $0 97,517 900
FA1 30 91 187 $0 11,807 770
MA2 78 643 1,266 $0 59,798 880
FA2 14 28 59 $0 4,050 709
MA3 78 970 1,877 $0 89,606 851
FA3 22 45 106 $0 6,112 710

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 77 139 $0 8,134 0
Arizona 1 138 273 $5,442 16,956 19
British Columbia 1 54 110 $145 7,367 1
California 6 256 661 $6,648 26,978 35
Delaware 1 66 133 $336 7,039 1
Florida 6 340 595 $7,860 37,062 53
Georgia 6 303 584 $1,156 20,486 2
Illinois 4 207 327 $803 11,544 7
Indiana 2 51 101 $340 5,773 2
Iowa 1 42 43 $380 2,375 1
Kansas 4 83 118 $302 7,287 4
Kentucky 5 211 452 $574 19,032 7
Maryland 1 44 45 $40 2,763 0
Michigan 3 100 195 $88 3,334 6
Minnesota 2 81 154 $1,146 8,616 4
Mississippi 2 88 180 $600 10,307 1
Missouri 3 107 108 $721 6,719 1
Montana 2 16 29 $72 450 1
Nebraska 1 37 38 $200 2,002 0
Nevada 1 29 101 $0 0 0
New Jersey 1 21 43 $90 2,227 1
New York 2 128 248 $753 14,370 3
North Carolina 8 392 626 $3,046 40,632 30
Nova Scotia 1 19 37 $89 2,771 1
Oklahoma 3 183 357 $3,582 23,820 22
Ontario 1 81 162 $180 10,213 4
Oregon 3 184 367 $684 22,920 15
Pennsylvania 2 58 196 $0 0 0
South Carolina 3 278 684 $10,816 41,307 42
Tennessee 3 77 103 $500 5,048 2
Texas 8 381 591 $2,285 36,248 26
Utah 1 16 59 $0 0 0
Virginia 5 306 612 $2,725 41,111 12
Washington 4 132 342 $497 6,656 7
West Virginia 1 31 89 $0 0 0
Wisconsin 1 59 169 $0 0 0
Wyoming 1 44 45 $0 2,948 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 131 386 $6,385 28,366 24
Austria 1 38 76 $0 3,600 3
Canada 3 154 309 $414 20,351 6
China 1 138 389 $4,959 26,010 1
Colombia 2 43 137 $0 1,606 0
Croatia 1 56 113 $0 7,357 0
Czech Republic 1 34 68 $0 3,847 1
Denmark 5 204 571 $0 6,908 5
Finland 2 82 198 $48 2,454 1
France 1 27 54 $0 3,286 1
Malaysia 1 15 32 $0 1,754 0
Mexico 2 36 89 $0 5,390 2
New Zealand 1 79 158 $0 8,679 0
Sweden 2 90 90 $0 6,045 0
Switzerland 1 25 50 $0 2,736 0
Thailand 1 36 70 $0 4,958 0
United Kingdom 1 0 0 $0 0 0
United States 99 4,566 8,807 $51,686 434,144 306