StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-02-26 to Sunday 2024-03-03, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-02-26
(click to change weeks)
(8,823 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-03-10 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 111 1,526 3,209 $126,434 174,151 953
FPO 46 148 338 $13,347 22,341 843
MP40 69 529 1,169 $43,462 69,906 931
MP50 39 206 455 $20,597 28,209 928
FP40 11 26 62 $2,528 4,525 845
FP50 4 11 32 $2,110 2,190 838
MP55 1 2 4 $22 257 926
MP60 20 99 243 $11,675 15,329 901
FP60 1 1 2 $40 139 712
MP65 1 2 4 $262 214 878
MP70 5 13 33 $2,212 2,207 881
MA1 120 1,890 3,709 $0 182,117 908
FA1 35 109 223 $0 14,041 793
MA2 103 1,258 2,396 $0 129,112 886
FA2 33 101 193 $0 13,632 759
MA3 101 1,574 2,922 $0 165,371 850
FA3 24 56 93 $0 6,507 698

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 480 1,118 $21,804 71,090 88
Arizona 3 537 1,613 $72,860 85,756 151
Arkansas 2 140 255 $2,205 15,688 5
British Columbia 2 124 250 $617 14,522 2
California 8 402 807 $9,096 39,017 23
Colorado 2 110 218 $260 13,479 1
Florida 11 883 1,400 $8,159 78,565 17
Georgia 5 597 1,058 $8,986 62,637 33
Idaho 2 24 26 $0 1,458 0
Illinois 2 139 289 $0 5,604 6
Indiana 3 182 313 $535 22,570 4
Kansas 3 290 442 $2,467 28,249 16
Kentucky 3 255 437 $3,122 27,922 11
Michigan 3 252 393 $3,669 23,152 18
Mississippi 1 57 116 $495 7,707 1
Missouri 2 176 351 $2,781 19,983 3
Nebraska 2 131 133 $624 7,373 1
Nevada 1 102 193 $0 13,992 0
New Hampshire 1 32 63 $360 3,686 2
New Mexico 1 53 54 $360 3,405 1
New York 1 68 137 $1,417 7,803 2
North Carolina 7 591 1,022 $12,202 60,949 48
Ohio 3 215 557 $478 5,378 6
Oklahoma 7 339 631 $2,880 27,038 8
Oregon 4 162 316 $1,055 18,018 12
Pennsylvania 1 92 172 $716 10,701 9
South Carolina 3 198 640 $3,384 32,962 19
Tennessee 4 280 471 $2,727 38,280 10
Texas 21 990 1,762 $38,142 102,687 112
Virginia 6 210 413 $7,257 23,592 17
Washington 2 156 314 $1,723 18,631 5
Wyoming 1 15 15 $105 1,100 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 5 276 840 $3,743 47,967 19
Austria 1 69 137 $0 9,059 4
Canada 2 124 250 $617 14,522 2
China 1 16 51 $0 1,365 0
Denmark 1 31 31 $0 1,955 0
Estonia 1 150 300 $380 18,007 1
Finland 4 163 324 $131 18,069 4
France 1 36 72 $0 4,828 0
Germany 1 36 108 $0 4,322 6
India 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Italy 1 38 124 $0 0 0
Netherlands 1 69 136 $0 8,223 0
Spain 3 322 830 $7,999 55,450 19
Sweden 2 63 125 $0 8,452 0
United Kingdom 1 56 115 $0 5,678 0
United States 119 8,158 15,729 $209,869 878,472 629