StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-10-15 to Sunday 2018-10-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-10-15
(click to change weeks)
(4,185 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:59 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 80 869 1,989 $97,021 116,451 955
FPO 26 78 184 $17,224 12,629 870
MP40 34 208 496 $14,432 30,043 930
MP50 16 79 187 $6,966 11,570 928
FP40 3 7 16 $175 1,121 820
MP55 1 11 22 $152 1,620 840
MP60 5 17 46 $943 3,022 897
MP65 1 2 4 $120 346 856
FP65 1 1 2 $60 193 775
MA1 70 868 2,117 $0 132,672 920
FA1 23 52 138 $0 10,041 810
MA2 70 790 1,947 $0 123,890 884
FA2 20 62 130 $0 10,184 746
MA3 63 628 1,384 $0 92,961 843
FA3 19 48 103 $0 7,770 719

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 32 63 $350 3,874 0
California 2 307 818 $13,261 50,660 65
Colorado 3 127 380 $2,508 21,942 17
Florida 4 194 469 $49,491 31,497 33
Georgia 2 140 409 $2,972 26,863 8
Idaho 1 71 212 $3,410 15,888 10
Illinois 2 157 311 $2,009 20,098 2
Indiana 4 117 215 $855 13,919 2
Iowa 3 135 266 $2,660 16,258 10
Kansas 3 120 263 $349 17,051 5
Kentucky 1 34 68 $560 3,617 5
Maryland 2 50 94 $410 5,577 2
Michigan 7 252 562 $2,561 32,561 8
Minnesota 3 113 225 $1,600 13,036 9
Mississippi 1 28 82 $1,085 5,352 0
Missouri 2 90 177 $1,448 10,630 4
Nebraska 1 18 18 $155 1,700 0
New Mexico 1 12 36 $485 2,155 0
New York 2 92 312 $140 20,773 3
North Carolina 2 216 837 $5,089 49,614 47
North Dakota 2 21 40 $570 3,003 3
Nova Scotia 1 36 108 $282 7,404 0
Ohio 1 18 36 $215 2,193 3
Oklahoma 1 78 156 $1,420 8,988 6
Ontario 1 54 107 $412 7,224 3
Oregon 2 124 313 $3,493 20,212 36
Pennsylvania 5 261 513 $4,367 37,790 9
South Carolina 2 114 335 $3,848 24,967 11
Tennessee 1 83 166 $2,201 9,531 5
Texas 7 449 1,061 $17,559 66,659 51
Virginia 3 221 513 $4,360 33,605 17
Washington 3 154 236 $3,223 14,207 5
Wisconsin 2 89 171 $1,154 11,895 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 66 161 $232 10,692 0
Canada 2 90 215 $694 14,628 3
Czech Republic 1 22 44 $0 2,775 2
Finland 2 202 385 $1,771 25,249 3
Germany 2 59 116 $0 6,788 0
Japan 1 27 81 $261 5,252 11
Lithuania 1 30 59 $192 4,082 0
Netherlands 1 21 21 $0 2,145 0
Thailand 2 47 106 $195 5,922 1
United States 76 3,917 9,357 $133,808 596,115 381