StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-07-08 to Sunday 2024-07-14, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-07-08
(click to change weeks)
(14,188 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-07-21 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 169 2,542 5,566 $219,485 313,314 956
FPO 64 263 613 $37,688 41,939 869
MP40 86 575 1,205 $33,143 73,740 927
MP50 49 245 560 $16,977 33,591 913
FP40 10 22 45 $426 3,371 775
FP50 3 6 12 $0 783 803
MP55 2 4 6 $38 318 886
FP55 2 5 10 $306 625 838
MP60 17 58 127 $3,227 7,747 878
FP60 3 4 8 $98 482 852
MP65 1 3 9 $364 659 893
MA1 182 2,395 5,250 $0 272,325 914
FA1 75 192 429 $0 28,569 807
MA2 171 2,295 4,795 $0 281,523 891
FA2 65 173 338 $0 23,778 772
MA3 176 2,635 5,273 $0 307,646 849
FA3 65 136 255 $0 17,528 714

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 212 542 $11,933 22,521 24
Alaska 2 102 174 $2,536 10,930 8
Alberta 2 141 416 $7,053 27,658 21
Arizona 1 30 30 $210 1,790 1
Arkansas 2 167 255 $3,216 16,184 11
British Columbia 3 147 295 $2,246 18,043 2
California 8 550 1,049 $3,874 66,713 17
Colorado 4 415 884 $3,270 50,572 15
Connecticut 4 182 352 $3,352 18,842 9
Florida 7 423 1,011 $7,693 57,014 29
Georgia 4 256 422 $1,314 17,797 8
Idaho 1 110 429 $4,161 28,973 29
Illinois 6 743 1,372 $8,671 77,838 44
Indiana 5 133 299 $207 7,920 13
Iowa 6 385 711 $2,090 42,616 8
Kansas 1 24 50 $0 3,010 1
Kentucky 6 347 756 $3,062 39,263 21
Louisiana 1 39 76 $190 4,488 4
Maine 1 236 805 $12,695 45,523 51
Manitoba 1 88 199 $2,133 12,643 2
Maryland 2 68 244 $0 13,783 2
Massachusetts 6 331 538 $6,354 32,983 20
Michigan 13 557 1,098 $5,807 60,062 17
Minnesota 2 244 244 $722 14,966 5
Mississippi 2 146 295 $1,925 16,055 5
Missouri 2 181 467 $45,910 33,537 119
Montana 1 9 20 $0 1,061 0
Nebraska 3 105 207 $440 11,463 3
Nevada 3 26 62 $69 1,680 0
New Brunswick 2 70 140 $884 8,383 0
New Jersey 3 120 236 $2,677 14,424 13
New Mexico 1 87 261 $0 16,945 10
New York 4 235 469 $4,555 29,369 16
North Carolina 12 917 1,500 $8,386 90,259 37
North Dakota 1 120 234 $3,005 14,423 2
Nova Scotia 2 70 139 $770 7,744 0
Ohio 8 537 1,241 $5,338 68,354 31
Oklahoma 7 637 704 $0 87,777 1
Ontario 5 286 658 $2,890 35,389 4
Oregon 4 250 592 $15,580 44,490 40
Pennsylvania 5 280 496 $1,397 30,252 3
Quebec 2 165 334 $1,222 19,953 3
South Carolina 7 254 413 $1,346 21,438 12
South Dakota 2 104 296 $4,285 17,605 15
Tennessee 7 246 336 $970 14,088 3
Texas 14 645 1,083 $5,967 53,739 36
Utah 1 59 70 $456 3,075 0
Vermont 1 5 10 $48 700 0
Virginia 4 258 628 $1,632 25,050 3
Washington 2 309 841 $3,904 53,410 17
West Virginia 1 44 44 $0 2,552 0
Wisconsin 5 348 917 $21,545 57,791 44
Wyoming 1 51 100 $675 6,512 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 4 179 363 $449 27,775 6
Canada 17 967 2,181 $17,198 129,813 32
Czech Republic 1 18 36 $0 2,235 0
Denmark 3 131 262 $0 17,817 0
Estonia 2 107 214 $170 12,799 2
Finland 11 1,135 2,969 $18,393 185,637 157
Iceland 2 96 181 $0 12,101 2
Latvia 1 140 282 $100 18,994 1
Mexico 1 25 26 $0 1,522 0
Netherlands 1 66 199 $269 10,955 1
Norway 2 278 571 $63,806 39,036 190
Poland 1 14 30 $0 1,839 0
Portugal 1 24 74 $0 5,346 2
Slovenia 1 31 63 $0 3,648 0
Sweden 8 544 1,092 $0 62,324 8
Switzerland 1 99 199 $0 12,854 12
United Kingdom 1 41 166 $0 9,124 3
United States 187 11,527 22,863 $211,467 1,349,837 752