StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-10-28 to Sunday 2024-11-03, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-10-28
(click to change weeks)
(9,664 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-11-10 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 148 1,575 3,433 $75,445 165,965 948
FPO 52 154 342 $8,449 20,866 841
MP40 68 414 947 $19,966 49,430 930
MP50 45 177 388 $7,841 22,529 905
FP40 4 7 16 $377 987 868
FP50 4 5 12 $160 843 813
MP55 1 1 3 $165 200 933
MP60 19 61 154 $2,075 8,610 902
FP60 1 2 8 $0 472 877
MP65 2 5 11 $371 735 866
MP70 3 6 13 $169 842 865
FP70 1 1 2 $0 125 0
MA1 149 1,842 4,165 $0 183,281 910
FA1 51 150 295 $0 19,643 800
MA2 143 1,476 3,096 $0 165,708 886
FA2 33 78 167 $0 12,107 759
MA3 139 1,732 3,764 $0 180,432 855
FA3 34 85 161 $0 11,283 717

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 7 216 503 $1,871 16,787 6
Alberta 1 49 100 $0 6,701 1
Arizona 2 44 60 $0 3,182 3
Arkansas 1 76 145 $2,027 9,028 6
British Columbia 2 130 260 $619 17,123 1
California 6 595 1,383 $2,943 64,549 42
Colorado 1 108 424 $4,165 23,389 10
Connecticut 2 109 154 $1,735 10,355 8
Florida 4 238 690 $2,963 33,239 35
Georgia 3 125 190 $1,360 14,885 4
Illinois 4 155 486 $400 7,042 2
Indiana 9 505 1,096 $7,266 48,946 34
Iowa 1 50 101 $440 5,902 3
Kansas 4 134 204 $582 12,729 1
Kentucky 7 286 629 $1,915 29,275 14
Louisiana 1 93 269 $2,224 16,607 8
Maine 2 70 136 $600 8,003 5
Maryland 1 50 99 $3,753 6,177 6
Massachusetts 3 235 378 $2,587 23,838 11
Michigan 7 376 730 $947 33,058 7
Minnesota 3 120 207 $607 12,215 1
Mississippi 3 126 266 $816 11,104 8
Missouri 5 357 930 $14,960 55,274 55
Montana 1 10 11 $72 551 0
Nebraska 1 44 44 $440 3,608 0
New Brunswick 1 18 36 $0 2,344 0
New Hampshire 1 73 145 $1,425 8,757 2
New Jersey 1 40 101 $0 0 1
New York 4 215 359 $1,158 25,291 0
North Carolina 13 683 1,252 $3,226 67,529 41
Nova Scotia 1 77 156 $1,001 14,727 0
Ohio 5 253 633 $866 18,100 6
Oklahoma 2 97 193 $3,169 12,090 4
Oregon 4 242 483 $3,869 31,125 35
Pennsylvania 10 476 1,084 $3,465 50,792 20
South Carolina 1 307 906 $18,815 54,638 86
Tennessee 9 331 587 $3,754 34,085 18
Texas 8 284 486 $2,428 29,370 10
Utah 4 148 228 $861 10,885 4
Virginia 6 255 596 $2,914 23,927 11
Washington 4 302 859 $443 7,705 12
West Virginia 3 188 505 $1,635 28,572 7
Wisconsin 8 382 818 $3,265 39,975 16

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 246 686 $5,484 53,276 19
Canada 5 274 552 $1,620 40,895 2
China 1 16 17 $0 1,110 0
Czech Republic 3 126 251 $27 14,687 1
Denmark 1 17 17 $0 1,111 0
Finland 1 63 124 $0 7,355 2
France 1 40 77 $0 4,804 1
Germany 3 140 278 $0 16,818 4
Guatemala 1 13 26 $0 1,657 0
Italy 1 79 233 $0 14,953 5
Mexico 1 33 61 $0 3,778 0
Netherlands 1 71 142 $0 8,005 0
New Zealand 3 246 642 $1,578 47,743 3
Norway 1 184 366 $0 24,502 1
Spain 2 77 243 $0 0 5
Sweden 6 314 353 $272 24,357 6
Switzerland 1 41 112 $884 5,007 0
United Kingdom 1 28 111 $0 6,980 1
United States 161 8,398 18,370 $105,966 892,584 542