StatMando Monday

From Monday 2016-06-13 to Sunday 2016-06-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2016-06-13
(click to change weeks)
(5,036 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:50 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 70 1,111 2,690 $69,445 161,429 939
FPO 33 125 318 $6,831 22,164 840
MA1 62 1,063 2,609 $0 162,208 908
FA1 27 82 201 $0 14,624 789
MA2 60 951 2,168 $0 136,075 879
FA2 27 71 170 $0 12,711 731
MA3 52 720 1,547 $0 98,926 838
FA3 19 46 102 $0 7,427 673

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 191 600 $8,918 34,517 22
Alberta 1 51 153 $1,722 8,734 5
California 5 271 530 $2,811 30,314 9
Colorado 1 175 521 $10,855 37,368 19
Connecticut 1 86 261 $8,810 18,950 23
Georgia 1 66 132 $530 8,019 0
Illinois 2 93 183 $1,101 10,973 2
Indiana 1 32 64 $325 4,506 0
Iowa 2 159 317 $2,620 19,045 4
Kansas 2 119 234 $1,510 14,722 2
Kentucky 1 48 96 $0 5,473 0
Maine 1 76 150 $1,656 9,281 7
Maryland 1 69 134 $645 8,266 1
Massachusetts 1 141 491 $0 30,631 5
Michigan 4 305 763 $5,630 44,691 24
Minnesota 2 102 202 $1,319 11,863 5
Mississippi 1 20 39 $150 2,084 0
Missouri 1 39 74 $290 5,062 0
Nevada 1 31 122 $380 9,818 0
New Brunswick 1 15 45 $375 2,598 0
New Jersey 2 100 200 $1,365 13,815 6
New York 2 100 332 $2,750 20,737 6
North Carolina 2 195 552 $10,910 34,956 43
Ohio 1 89 176 $655 10,787 1
Ontario 1 74 221 $2,075 16,257 5
Oregon 2 168 331 $2,847 23,470 21
Pennsylvania 2 169 337 $2,747 21,741 12
South Dakota 1 16 39 $150 2,154 0
Tennessee 1 15 29 $95 1,854 0
Texas 6 397 791 $6,076 46,945 26
Utah 1 70 208 $0 13,755 0
Virginia 2 99 248 $2,808 14,051 2
Washington 1 82 163 $3,421 14,349 3
West Virginia 1 22 44 $140 2,591 0
Wisconsin 1 269 805 $11,757 45,520 34

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 47 145 $0 10,199 1
Canada 3 140 419 $4,172 27,589 10
Czech Republic 1 22 75 $0 5,315 0
Estonia 4 168 338 $0 24,202 2
Finland 9 613 1,200 $4,873 77,501 14
Germany 2 115 422 $1,635 24,368 10
Japan 2 36 144 $907 7,508 5
Netherlands 1 22 22 $0 1,762 0
Norway 1 46 86 $338 5,214 1
Slovenia 1 13 47 $0 2,614 0
Sweden 4 142 277 $1,011 17,708 4
United Kingdom 2 47 105 $267 7,467 1
United States 54 3,814 9,168 $93,271 572,308 277