StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-10-25 to Sunday 2021-10-31, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-10-25
(click to change weeks)
(8,194 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:13 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 97 1,448 3,263 $115,968 206,212 943
FPO 43 161 381 $14,052 27,347 840
MP40 48 379 961 $32,329 59,788 920
MP50 31 231 594 $12,111 38,146 894
FP40 3 5 8 $154 590 820
FP50 1 1 2 $55 119 882
MP60 7 14 31 $370 2,242 848
MP65 3 4 5 $145 322 875
FP65 1 1 1 $15 74 784
MP70 1 1 2 $0 147 769
MA1 96 1,003 1,924 $0 112,971 914
FA1 33 83 157 $0 9,770 794
MA2 93 1,686 3,462 $0 221,464 892
FA2 38 137 309 $0 22,650 758
MA3 97 1,714 3,267 $0 212,249 849
FA3 40 105 220 $0 16,941 706

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 160 291 $2,725 17,088 4
Alaska 1 33 66 $232 3,687 1
California 7 430 884 $8,276 50,853 28
Colorado 2 106 140 $796 8,180 1
Connecticut 2 86 166 $3,604 10,204 6
Florida 7 595 1,097 $4,853 73,325 28
Georgia 3 245 365 $2,133 23,083 3
Hawaii 1 20 59 $0 3,697 2
Illinois 1 84 167 $1,118 10,972 8
Indiana 5 257 498 $990 35,600 2
Iowa 3 202 201 $627 12,508 2
Kansas 4 186 367 $2,612 22,285 9
Kentucky 4 213 371 $797 24,126 5
Louisiana 2 161 426 $3,898 25,928 16
Maine 2 53 106 $966 7,063 4
Maryland 1 41 41 $624 2,613 0
Massachusetts 2 119 228 $4,000 13,852 19
Michigan 3 166 330 $3,605 20,024 17
Minnesota 2 195 195 $1,047 14,561 1
Missouri 4 258 508 $3,641 32,234 5
Nebraska 1 37 37 $50 3,176 0
Nevada 1 75 147 $1,970 9,827 6
New Hampshire 3 94 183 $2,540 11,457 4
New York 6 323 575 $1,904 38,145 8
North Carolina 6 413 801 $4,821 47,056 44
Nova Scotia 1 56 105 $617 7,017 0
Ohio 2 107 145 $350 9,125 2
Oklahoma 3 128 313 $3,515 20,017 4
Oregon 1 76 220 $3,516 11,459 29
Pennsylvania 2 144 279 $439 18,497 3
South Carolina 2 255 709 $17,670 47,400 39
Tennessee 3 172 307 $1,770 18,986 5
Texas 10 1,721 4,648 $83,266 323,386 106
Utah 1 84 82 $395 5,265 0
Virginia 2 122 207 $242 14,200 0
West Virginia 1 62 122 $195 7,348 1
Wisconsin 2 120 236 $3,049 15,211 16

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 62 184 $0 13,415 3
Belgium 1 25 48 $0 3,517 0
Canada 1 56 105 $617 7,017 0
Croatia 1 36 113 $0 6,539 0
Czech Republic 1 31 62 $63 4,198 0
Denmark 2 108 151 $0 10,392 0
Finland 2 151 290 $0 17,141 1
France 2 58 150 $0 10,238 1
Germany 2 101 197 $0 12,635 2
Iceland 1 91 179 $0 0 0
Luxembourg 2 23 43 $0 2,405 0
Netherlands 1 11 11 $0 981 0
Norway 1 29 58 $421 3,705 0
Sweden 4 243 355 $0 23,189 0
United Kingdom 2 98 309 $1,942 17,493 9
United States 104 7,543 15,517 $172,236 1,012,438 428