StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-07-04 to Sunday 2022-07-10, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-07-04
(click to change weeks)
(11,993 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-07-17 22:28 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 138 2,207 4,453 $162,925 265,965 947
FPO 50 236 561 $46,647 39,747 862
MP40 67 589 1,062 $19,849 65,349 919
MP50 43 242 470 $8,274 28,408 905
FP40 13 35 59 $822 4,037 815
MP55 2 2 4 $80 244 952
MP60 17 54 107 $2,394 6,382 886
FP60 2 4 4 $0 225 972
MP65 3 3 5 $121 321 843
MP70 1 1 2 $38 153 779
FP70 1 3 6 $144 665 366
MA1 142 1,988 3,950 $0 242,956 915
FA1 58 201 399 $0 28,977 800
MA2 135 2,481 4,641 $0 290,848 885
FA2 59 162 320 $0 22,741 764
MA3 140 2,562 4,542 $0 290,964 849
FA3 65 188 336 $0 25,507 710

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 210 354 $4,221 19,838 19
Alberta 2 9 21 $0 826 0
Arizona 2 231 626 $1,160 43,972 6
Arkansas 1 51 99 $288 6,181 1
British Columbia 1 72 222 $2,513 13,328 6
California 2 136 262 $1,650 20,020 5
Colorado 2 82 162 $0 9,985 2
Connecticut 3 259 397 $2,542 24,240 11
Georgia 2 167 329 $606 21,418 5
Hawaii 1 24 47 $706 2,931 0
Illinois 9 723 1,181 $1,665 72,308 86
Indiana 7 436 848 $2,802 56,973 11
Iowa 3 206 410 $835 24,205 7
Kansas 2 110 258 $440 16,001 5
Kentucky 2 202 542 $86,300 37,606 220
Louisiana 2 71 135 $456 8,216 4
Maine 1 33 33 $168 2,147 1
Maryland 2 105 210 $1,354 12,801 1
Massachusetts 5 305 443 $4,204 28,806 8
Michigan 13 828 1,507 $5,882 90,107 30
Minnesota 4 151 300 $1,156 17,880 1
Mississippi 2 132 302 $232 19,118 4
Missouri 5 388 602 $4,229 40,862 14
Montana 1 97 258 $5,165 15,972 16
Nebraska 3 130 258 $2,068 16,611 2
New Brunswick 1 36 72 $0 4,036 0
New Hampshire 2 99 168 $2,424 10,262 5
New Jersey 3 169 337 $0 20,692 5
New Mexico 2 78 178 $2,834 9,722 7
New York 4 256 484 $0 29,006 6
North Carolina 7 444 867 $2,480 54,099 24
Ohio 3 251 494 $3,184 34,310 6
Oklahoma 4 187 359 $815 21,196 5
Ontario 2 146 288 $0 19,338 1
Oregon 4 348 726 $9,963 46,026 45
Pennsylvania 2 143 285 $0 18,635 0
Quebec 1 33 32 $62 2,134 0
South Carolina 1 25 50 $225 3,155 2
South Dakota 1 136 408 $0 25,604 25
Tennessee 2 147 207 $992 12,186 3
Texas 17 931 1,395 $3,063 81,704 29
Utah 1 98 98 $365 6,239 2
Virginia 3 168 368 $3,225 23,520 17
Washington 7 458 979 $2,726 67,670 8
Wisconsin 3 368 773 $6,228 44,690 21
Wyoming 1 79 154 $0 10,189 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 44 87 $8 5,452 0
Austria 1 58 173 $0 11,621 6
Canada 7 296 635 $2,575 39,662 7
Czech Republic 1 45 130 $0 8,766 3
Denmark 1 51 101 $0 6,557 0
Estonia 3 163 237 $0 15,136 1
Finland 13 2,450 4,293 $51,332 275,944 163
Germany 1 76 227 $265 13,904 7
Latvia 1 88 174 $0 11,437 0
Lithuania 1 83 166 $0 11,247 0
Netherlands 2 61 89 $0 5,730 0
New Zealand 1 54 101 $0 7,043 1
Norway 2 106 202 $0 15,096 0
Poland 1 77 230 $0 17,544 1
Sweden 11 650 1,206 $20,461 78,060 36
Switzerland 1 41 81 $0 3,728 1
United Kingdom 2 62 182 $0 9,921 0
United States 144 9,462 17,893 $166,653 1,127,103 671