StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-06-25 to Sunday 2018-07-01, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-06-25
(click to change weeks)
(5,563 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:57 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 72 1,153 2,719 $76,356 163,468 944
FPO 35 133 328 $11,160 23,783 849
MP40 43 332 780 $23,806 47,918 921
MP50 22 141 350 $8,181 21,418 904
FP40 4 14 24 $1,052 1,631 796
FP50 1 6 18 $310 1,512 714
MP55 2 9 22 $895 1,411 899
MP60 5 22 53 $1,629 3,422 849
FP60 1 2 4 $315 283 790
MP70 1 2 6 $164 452 796
MA1 70 954 2,061 $0 128,373 917
FA1 26 89 189 $0 13,430 809
MA2 62 1,140 2,454 $0 156,984 885
FA2 32 106 213 $0 16,146 747
MA3 58 990 1,960 $0 130,431 853
FA3 25 114 220 $0 17,076 708

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 79 316 $10,251 19,835 31
Alberta 2 92 265 $2,404 16,911 6
California 3 171 336 $3,180 20,242 16
Colorado 1 74 214 $2,188 15,364 13
Florida 1 62 121 $726 6,560 2
Georgia 1 41 164 $2,181 9,112 8
Idaho 1 5 10 $0 731 0
Illinois 1 128 251 $3,537 16,675 12
Indiana 3 141 354 $1,740 21,967 4
Iowa 1 39 75 $230 4,927 2
Kansas 3 134 226 $975 15,021 5
Maryland 3 155 270 $3,471 16,471 4
Massachusetts 2 165 316 $1,846 19,053 7
Michigan 5 206 407 $2,155 25,915 4
Minnesota 2 154 430 $24,868 30,855 71
Mississippi 2 143 343 $4,485 21,459 14
Missouri 2 208 556 $10,016 36,025 31
Montana 1 136 268 $3,129 14,346 12
New Mexico 1 16 32 $0 1,986 0
New York 3 156 308 $1,941 20,984 2
North Carolina 5 247 516 $1,323 31,159 10
Ohio 6 307 579 $4,966 39,462 19
Ontario 1 29 68 $1,426 3,474 2
Oregon 3 208 549 $3,518 34,055 13
Pennsylvania 3 83 190 $1,037 12,451 7
Quebec 1 42 83 $0 4,750 0
South Carolina 2 112 221 $360 12,725 8
South Dakota 1 36 71 $440 5,206 0
Tennessee 1 95 184 $1,328 12,315 4
Texas 5 188 355 $1,738 21,325 7
Utah 1 93 276 $6,075 18,454 11
Virginia 1 82 159 $1,290 10,665 5
Wisconsin 2 121 173 $2,075 11,264 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 52 160 $0 10,677 5
Canada 4 163 416 $3,830 25,135 8
Croatia 1 19 57 $0 3,918 0
Czech Republic 1 25 74 $0 4,658 1
Denmark 1 30 60 $0 3,810 1
Estonia 2 173 344 $894 22,872 4
Finland 8 1,452 3,088 $14,875 203,023 41
Germany 1 51 180 $0 9,971 1
Japan 1 12 56 $270 2,591 1
Norway 2 99 194 $1,200 14,245 2
Sweden 5 228 425 $1,325 26,219 12
United States 70 4,043 8,772 $101,474 561,631 331