StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-10-31 to Sunday 2022-11-06, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-10-31
(click to change weeks)
(8,924 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-11-13 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 111 1,346 2,856 $98,975 165,029 944
FPO 39 151 345 $14,394 23,237 847
MP40 47 350 823 $29,974 48,797 926
MP50 24 120 299 $11,608 17,454 918
FP40 5 7 18 $999 1,293 816
MP60 15 61 152 $6,405 9,543 897
MP70 3 4 9 $223 635 800
MA1 114 1,367 2,666 $0 160,929 916
FA1 46 112 224 $0 16,622 791
MA2 116 1,664 3,231 $0 200,431 885
FA2 39 105 230 $0 16,535 754
MA3 110 1,859 3,428 $0 221,763 848
FA3 48 104 195 $0 15,380 699

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 175 306 $671 18,154 1
Arizona 1 6 12 $0 582 0
Arkansas 2 99 178 $2,583 11,879 9
British Columbia 1 33 65 $0 4,404 0
California 5 706 1,519 $16,018 102,242 39
Colorado 3 320 881 $8,214 53,895 19
Connecticut 2 41 81 $980 4,955 0
Delaware 1 65 221 $1,540 13,069 2
Florida 4 207 369 $73 27,516 3
Georgia 4 355 653 $810 45,882 5
Idaho 1 78 154 $750 10,150 1
Illinois 1 115 226 $290 13,688 1
Indiana 5 506 1,199 $10,586 73,809 32
Iowa 2 146 214 $847 13,456 7
Kansas 1 87 172 $1,384 9,898 1
Kentucky 2 150 299 $1,844 17,948 11
Louisiana 2 158 398 $4,959 25,544 10
Maine 1 70 138 $355 8,510 4
Massachusetts 3 174 245 $2,061 14,141 7
Michigan 7 365 563 $883 36,226 4
Minnesota 1 82 164 $530 9,095 2
Mississippi 1 67 132 $860 7,918 7
Missouri 4 258 440 $6,945 31,209 12
Nebraska 1 52 52 $101 5,557 0
New Jersey 2 140 279 $200 18,102 1
New Mexico 1 34 66 $0 3,500 0
New York 3 143 143 $604 11,785 1
North Carolina 6 380 519 $2,317 29,564 9
Ohio 5 323 587 $1,477 34,928 5
Oklahoma 2 111 310 $5,691 19,762 15
Ontario 1 79 77 $285 5,530 0
Oregon 3 165 377 $2,340 22,007 14
Pennsylvania 5 285 568 $2,733 35,249 9
South Carolina 2 321 1,007 $17,474 57,673 60
South Dakota 1 49 49 $112 3,382 2
Tennessee 4 294 608 $4,556 36,165 24
Texas 15 855 1,600 $32,732 97,511 79
Utah 2 211 393 $6,933 24,437 24
Virginia 3 223 524 $18,105 32,425 34
Washington 4 170 291 $627 19,416 4
West Virginia 1 105 312 $910 19,386 2
Wisconsin 1 76 149 $1,050 8,753 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 121 239 $275 15,539 2
Canada 2 112 142 $285 9,934 0
Czech Republic 1 45 90 $0 5,705 5
Denmark 1 60 119 $524 7,777 2
Estonia 1 162 320 $0 21,969 4
Finland 3 116 230 $263 14,660 9
France 4 118 332 $0 22,808 0
Germany 1 34 68 $0 4,289 0
Guatemala 1 25 50 $221 2,801 0
Lithuania 1 34 65 $0 4,364 0
Netherlands 3 38 76 $0 3,871 0
Portugal 1 11 22 $0 1,265 1
Slovakia 1 18 36 $0 2,881 2
Spain 1 18 36 $0 2,479 0
Sweden 3 176 222 $220 14,654 1
United Kingdom 3 41 77 $0 4,299 0
United States 118 8,167 16,398 $161,145 1,029,368 461