StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-09-09 to Sunday 2019-09-15, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-09-09
(click to change weeks)
(5,526 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:03 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 90 1,266 3,025 $106,691 181,798 954
FPO 35 111 297 $9,743 20,947 859
MP40 50 305 699 $16,011 43,688 926
MP50 31 172 401 $8,743 25,675 910
FP40 4 5 12 $249 891 813
FP50 2 3 7 $110 589 800
MP55 2 7 13 $375 784 889
MP60 9 41 88 $832 5,894 855
MP65 1 5 10 $97 913 823
MA1 81 934 2,086 $0 132,654 922
FA1 29 64 147 $0 11,447 790
MA2 86 1,113 2,298 $0 147,569 884
FA2 26 74 163 $0 12,491 743
MA3 77 865 1,759 $0 114,984 842
FA3 23 53 113 $0 8,862 673

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 27 77 $635 4,472 5
Arizona 1 58 115 $1,505 6,543 5
Arkansas 1 60 177 $1,910 10,486 1
California 5 342 674 $8,867 40,298 34
Colorado 1 90 178 $1,901 12,072 10
Connecticut 1 66 131 $1,361 8,032 3
Delaware 1 54 108 $1,210 8,793 4
Florida 1 50 99 $150 6,284 1
Georgia 1 84 162 $905 10,256 5
Idaho 1 15 30 $343 1,904 3
Illinois 1 35 69 $1,367 4,559 4
Indiana 2 136 324 $2,330 20,177 13
Iowa 3 118 275 $2,879 15,528 17
Kansas 3 149 298 $1,450 17,859 8
Kentucky 1 56 112 $950 6,067 6
Louisiana 2 86 224 $2,926 14,611 7
Maryland 1 66 129 $1,095 8,427 3
Michigan 6 218 362 $2,770 22,853 10
Minnesota 1 20 20 $160 1,248 0
Mississippi 2 105 203 $3,506 11,787 5
Missouri 2 131 256 $1,259 16,191 3
Montana 1 66 196 $2,731 12,984 9
Nebraska 2 84 165 $636 10,508 4
New Hampshire 1 25 25 $168 1,593 1
New Jersey 1 70 140 $0 10,406 0
New York 3 152 296 $4,078 18,695 13
North Carolina 3 107 211 $810 11,857 11
North Dakota 2 84 222 $4,965 18,410 15
Ohio 5 214 328 $3,000 23,891 9
Oklahoma 1 88 261 $3,260 17,270 14
Ontario 1 72 144 $813 9,713 3
Oregon 1 75 224 $3,590 13,716 61
Pennsylvania 1 81 162 $1,271 10,128 9
South Carolina 1 135 404 $9,236 25,225 46
Tennessee 2 167 440 $1,915 25,670 20
Texas 7 341 589 $4,313 37,043 21
Utah 2 41 77 $99 4,278 1
Vermont 2 225 890 $36,650 60,217 187
Virginia 5 253 397 $1,715 25,975 4
Washington 2 86 169 $1,099 10,332 6
West Virginia 1 96 286 $5,539 17,650 12
Wisconsin 1 70 140 $2,085 8,237 8

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 37 108 $268 8,411 0
Canada 1 72 144 $813 9,713 3
Czech Republic 1 44 130 $0 7,838 3
Estonia 1 83 162 $0 11,664 2
Finland 7 373 732 $2,310 51,341 12
Germany 2 94 361 $0 22,951 14
Ireland 1 11 22 $0 1,522 0
Latvia 2 69 92 $148 7,099 0
Netherlands 1 21 42 $0 2,274 0
Norway 1 70 216 $9,107 14,926 20
Sweden 7 367 719 $2,651 46,522 23
Switzerland 1 33 97 $0 3,876 6
United Kingdom 2 72 222 $915 12,972 12
United States 82 4,426 9,645 $126,639 612,532 598