StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-11-04 to Sunday 2019-11-10, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-11-04
(click to change weeks)
(2,848 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:03 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 53 618 1,438 $52,172 83,546 945
FPO 17 36 92 $1,252 5,829 843
MP40 34 235 557 $18,525 33,774 927
MP50 13 63 148 $2,422 8,846 902
FP40 1 8 16 $106 1,130 800
FP50 1 1 2 $0 155 727
MP55 1 16 31 $217 1,936 858
MP60 5 13 28 $571 1,755 882
MP65 1 4 8 $56 548 823
MP70 1 2 4 $185 263 826
MA1 45 493 1,013 $0 61,467 917
FA1 18 35 69 $0 4,910 787
MA2 48 535 1,074 $0 67,928 882
FA2 14 26 47 $0 3,618 734
MA3 41 405 826 $0 55,549 834
FA3 11 16 33 $0 2,648 609

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arkansas 1 81 239 $1,405 14,111 7
California 1 87 259 $0 15,441 0
Colorado 1 57 113 $632 7,261 4
Connecticut 1 63 125 $2,475 7,850 11
Delaware 2 110 211 $1,215 13,540 5
Florida 2 158 467 $6,516 28,942 34
Georgia 1 81 243 $1,370 16,089 4
Indiana 2 63 124 $270 7,414 0
Kentucky 3 149 295 $1,263 20,157 10
Louisiana 1 45 90 $1,543 5,529 3
Maine 1 52 154 $1,990 8,573 5
Michigan 1 52 102 $491 6,190 3
Mississippi 1 48 92 $400 5,559 2
Missouri 2 128 173 $2,171 13,638 3
Nebraska 1 35 35 $208 2,911 0
Nevada 1 33 65 $489 3,612 4
New Hampshire 2 11 18 $50 1,286 1
New Jersey 1 35 69 $216 4,954 2
New Mexico 1 15 29 $942 1,620 5
North Carolina 3 143 354 $5,207 22,855 19
Nova Scotia 1 33 66 $473 3,684 0
Ohio 1 46 92 $570 5,803 4
Oklahoma 2 147 292 $2,474 15,687 12
Oregon 1 79 156 $918 10,052 5
Pennsylvania 1 67 134 $2,291 8,246 8
South Carolina 1 63 122 $550 6,513 7
Tennessee 1 58 115 $700 6,515 3
Texas 7 403 990 $33,929 62,692 40
Utah 2 135 206 $2,110 14,001 6
Virginia 3 110 177 $1,055 11,376 9
Wisconsin 1 77 153 $835 10,158 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 30 58 $48 3,844 0
Austria 1 23 46 $0 2,405 1
Canada 1 33 66 $473 3,684 0
Czech Republic 1 20 56 $0 2,552 0
Finland 1 61 121 $700 7,703 2
Germany 2 78 183 $0 9,598 3
Spain 1 22 22 $0 1,305 1
Sweden 1 28 27 $0 2,169 1
United Kingdom 1 48 93 $0 6,054 0
United States 49 2,631 5,694 $74,285 358,575 218