StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-02-12 to Sunday 2024-02-18, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-02-12
(click to change weeks)
(6,766 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-02-25 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 113 1,130 2,067 $54,370 109,903 949
FPO 45 110 212 $4,121 12,680 836
MP40 52 293 609 $16,320 34,143 928
MP50 31 134 307 $5,925 16,970 921
FP40 5 9 22 $935 1,591 854
FP50 2 3 8 $260 523 864
MP55 1 1 1 $8 63 864
MP60 13 60 144 $2,586 9,261 905
FP60 1 4 12 $435 839 811
MP70 4 7 17 $513 1,215 834
FP70 1 2 6 $0 541 609
MA1 113 1,193 2,183 $0 108,825 906
FA1 38 83 150 $0 9,687 777
MA2 110 1,074 1,842 $0 103,392 888
FA2 25 49 90 $0 6,379 732
MA3 104 1,256 2,113 $0 127,398 849
FA3 31 61 97 $0 7,538 663

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 101 186 $3,130 12,821 11
Arizona 3 149 234 $3,074 18,048 1
Arkansas 4 116 178 $818 10,902 1
British Columbia 1 69 136 $615 8,816 2
California 6 589 1,627 $25,048 78,121 91
Colorado 2 125 125 $560 6,748 5
Connecticut 1 74 148 $1,099 8,981 5
Delaware 2 89 177 $840 9,940 5
Florida 8 361 367 $0 23,142 6
Georgia 5 269 397 $1,327 18,280 5
Indiana 4 115 161 $294 9,534 1
Kansas 4 202 336 $3,286 19,635 16
Kentucky 4 210 423 $1,505 22,505 13
Louisiana 1 48 95 $348 6,498 1
Manitoba 1 43 84 $391 5,303 3
Michigan 4 179 330 $1,273 19,139 4
Minnesota 1 126 126 $380 7,598 0
Mississippi 1 89 172 $2,346 10,015 10
Missouri 4 171 243 $1,278 14,640 3
Nebraska 1 36 36 $0 1,997 0
Nevada 2 122 302 $1,153 9,536 2
New Mexico 2 130 354 $2,776 20,686 14
New York 2 33 65 $195 3,781 0
North Carolina 14 759 1,172 $3,825 66,035 29
Ohio 4 161 160 $820 10,869 3
Oklahoma 3 113 161 $812 10,400 3
Oregon 4 318 772 $15,347 47,167 59
Pennsylvania 2 67 127 $427 6,271 1
South Carolina 2 164 325 $0 22,837 4
Tennessee 2 164 244 $1,150 15,704 10
Texas 20 939 1,464 $6,979 81,291 32
Utah 1 47 94 $0 5,311 3
Virginia 3 125 249 $870 15,931 1
Washington 2 140 278 $1,570 17,539 4
Wisconsin 1 75 74 $440 4,907 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 100 198 $502 12,160 4
Cambodia 1 26 78 $145 4,460 2
Canada 2 112 220 $1,006 14,119 5
Colombia 1 26 52 $0 3,896 0
Croatia 1 41 82 $0 4,090 0
Czech Republic 1 49 147 $0 6,409 0
Denmark 1 82 164 $746 10,376 0
Finland 3 101 111 $104 6,830 1
France 2 77 148 $0 10,646 2
New Zealand 1 2 2 $0 107 0
Spain 1 27 80 $0 4,876 4
Sweden 2 95 127 $0 9,188 0
Ukraine 1 20 56 $0 3,838 0
United Kingdom 2 12 12 $0 1,058 0
United States 120 6,406 11,202 $82,970 636,809 344